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Itrain hockey dvd

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Intense conditioning will only be done once per week on day three, which is one of our two CNS intensive days. These changes are designed to benefit the advanced lifter, although the concept will certainly work for a beginner. As I said in the t-nation article the progress of inexperienced lifters may have lulled us to sleep a bit. Combine this with four days of plyometric work and four days of conditioning and, you have a formula for overtraining. For the past ten years we have used an Olympic lifting influenced program that had our athletes doing Olympic lifts every day and, lower body work every day. One school of thought would be to try to spread the work over the week. This means that days one and three are “big work” days. In addition linear plyometric work, short sprints and sled work are also done on these same days.

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Asd you can see in the chart his means that explosive lifts and squats are done on the same days. The key to the system is to group all of the exercises that would be considered Central Nervous System intensive on the same days. I don’t if it should make me laugh or cry to think that designing these types of workouts would be considered progressive. I can honestly say I have not done workouts like this since the early eighties when I didn’t know any better. Why back to the future? Because the day two and four workouts go back to old school chest-shoulder–tricep days. Weekly Depiction of a Program Designed to Limit CNS Stress You need to be ready to go, as I said in my CNS Intensive DVD "back to the future”. Those familiar with my work will see that the information in the chart goes against some of my fundamental beliefs. The chart below shows a proposed system of organizing and administering the various techniques. They do not need to possess or develop the broad range of qualities necessary for team sports. As we have often said, the desire to emulate the training of powerlifters or Olympic lifters is a misplaced one as these athlete need only move weight. The key is to be able to manage all of the stressors provided. Speed work and plyometrics are also done, as is sled training for specific power. Strength is developed, not for strengths sake but, rather to facilitate the further development of power and speed. All types of training methods are concurrently used to improve speed and power, which is the obvious end goal in team sports. The reality is that team sports require a consistent pattern of concurrent periodization. The purpose of this article is to get into the nuts and bolts of designing a new training program. The CNS article on t-nation was more of an opinion piece.

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The reality is that we probably overwhelm the central nervous system by continually adding training techniques to further develop the power capabilities of our athletes without thinking about how to manage these techniques in a weekly plan.

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The purpose of the article was to introduce a concept that might be unfamiliar to many and to discuss how a coach might construct a training program to decrease the stress on the central nervous system. In March of 2007 I wrote an article for discussing the concept of Central Nervous System Intensive Training. Adapting Training Based on CNS Intensive Training

Itrain hockey dvd